Yeah, I’m not an outdoors person. Not at all. I am an introverted, techie, webophile. Indie Maker is my nature, being inside & creating in silence. So, I’ve been struggling on how to build this site for my family as they are busy out in nature all the time, while I’m inside working on something. They have the physical actual knowledge to relate with people who may want to participate in a Saunter Club lifestyle, whatever that is or may become. Tio P & Tio K are literally out taking a walk every single day possible. Tio P sometimes twice a day.
My DR just told me to get moving. Well, he really said get more active. Not a word was mentioned about opening the door to leave the house. I can live with that. I can build websites & find time to move around. But eventually, I do have to go mail & pick up my postcards. Or else, what’s the use in postcrossing? Tonight I was cleaning up files of picture after picture of my postcards. The collection is expanding quickly. Especially now that the Tios also mail them to me from their adventures. It’s the most wonderful gift ever.
Looking through the postcards draws up memories of old travel stops, nostalgic vacations, or places we’ve lived before. It’s my way of Sauntering. I take a mindful visit through my postcards, and when I go to the Post Office to check the box, I even take a look-up to eye spy a beautiful shot. Then that’s where the family curiosity & mini gypsy comes to life. Roaming around outside isn’t too bad at all, when you do it on your terms, in your favorite places to explore. So, my wanderings will not be in the woods, but I have decided to share them, once in a while, LaLa style. Saunter Strong!
Stay Positive | Be Blessed | Share Often
LaLa 👋